Indeed, considering that Scrooge is a Memetic Badass, him
Parodies of Uncle Scrooge will inevitably make a joke about how diving headfirst into a pool of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck is a terrible idea, and that it would probably lead to a concussion in Real Life. « Only a Poor Man », one of the very first Scrooge McDuck stories in Carl Barks’s oeuvre, actually did acknowledge that fact in a humorous Reality Ensues moment. At the end of the story, Scrooge manages to get the upper hand on the Beagle Boys by online Order convincing them to try it themselves after they successfully manage to steal all of Scrooge’s money from his vault. They do, and then promptly knock themselves unconscious as soon as their heads hit the money pile. Victorious, Scrooge points out that swimming in gold is a lot harder than it looks, and simply replies « It’s a trick » when asked how he himself can do it. Indeed, considering that Scrooge is a Memetic Badass, him being able to swim through gold is pretty basic for him.
replica goyard handbags The degree to which this is actually « ridiculous » varies depending on the setting. In some cases they get a free pass it may be that an intelligence, artificial or not, needs to be vaguely human like in its basic outlines, with emotions, interests, motivations, et cetera simply to be functional for certain tasks, such as those requiring a great deal of long term autonomy. On the other hand, perhaps humans prefer Sexbots not to behave like automated teller machines. It may be Order , if human intelligence itself is merely an evolved set of functions held together in an evolved psychological architecture, that any society with sufficiently ubiquitous and flexible automation will necessarily have the means to produce something human like, or it may simply be that emotions, desires, and curiosity are unavoidable side effects of full sentience. Whatever serves the needs of the well reasoned plot or setting. In these cases, Ridiculously Human Robots make sense. Also, a few illogical design choices are a small price to pay for keeping robotic characters out of the Uncanny Valley. However, it’s rare that a series explicitly spells this out, and often, these human like AIs are put right up next to similar, yet emotionless equivalents that function perfectly. replica goyard handbags
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