If they actually bother to back these assertions up

If they actually bother to back these assertions up

18 mai 2013 Non classé 0

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« The adventures of Batman with Robin, Boy Wonder! Batman and Robin, the Dynamic Duo against crime and corruption, whose real identities as millionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne and his young ward Dick Grayson are known only to Alfred, the faithful butler. Ever alert, they respond swiftly to a signal from the police, and moments later, from the secret Batcave deep beneath Wayne Manor, they roar out to protect life, limb and property as Batman and Robin http://myallgadgets.com/2014/01/31/more-recently-he-has-provided-the-voice-of-prometheus-in/, caped crimefighters! Batman and Robin, scourge of Gotham City’s kooky criminals: The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime The Penguin, pudgy purveyor of perfidy and the cool, cruel Mr. Freeze! Watch out, villains, here come. Downer Ending. And a bizarre one. Ted Nelson might have been able to save his friend if he could have studied him, but then he randomly gets shot by a security guard.

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