Additional biomarkers for early detection of prostate cancer
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Replica Christian Louboutin Prostate specific antigen concentrations below 1.0 ng/ml virtually ruled out a prostate cancer diagnosis during the follow up. Additional biomarkers for early detection of prostate cancer are needed before population based screening for prostate cancer should be introduced.IntroductionSerum concentrations of prostate specific antigen have been widely used for early detection of prostate cancer,1 2 3 and prostate specific antigen has been described as the best circulating tumour marker in oncology.4 5 6 Recently, the European Randomized Study Buy online Buy Order of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) reported a 20% decrease in the rate of death from prostate cancer in the screening arm; however, considerable overdiagnosis and overtreatment occurred in the screening arm Christian Louboutin Outlet Shoes, as 1068 men had to be screened and 48 men had to have curative treatment in order to save one man’s life.7 These data highlight the need for a rigorous examination of the validity of prostate specific antigen as a screening test for prostate cancer.Cross sectional studies have shown that approximately 10% of middle aged men have prostate specific antigen concentrations above 4 ng/ml and approximately a quarter of these men have prostate cancer on biopsy.8 9 Studies of this design can provide accurate data on the positive predictive value of prostate specific antigen for diagnosis of prostate cancer, as men with high prostate specific antigen concentrations have biopsy for verification of the diagnosis. These studies can also provide relatively accurate estimates of specificity given that prostate cancer is relatively rare among men with low prostate specific antigen concentrations.10 11 12 However, in cross sectional studies, cancer status is not verified in men with prostate specific antigen concentrations below the threshold for biopsy, so such studies cannot provide accurate estimates of sensitivity Replica Christian Louboutin.