Bad Ass Adorable: Hatsuho, and probably Nagi

Bad Ass Adorable: Hatsuho, and probably Nagi

30 octobre 2012 Non classé 0

The others. Mingled. Oh, they call themselves new humans and proto humans and digi humans even humanish. The other part follows Bobby’s best friends, Mark and Courtney, who get into a bit of trouble themselves, despite lacking the ability to travel to alternate worlds. (The only book that doesn’t use this formula is The Soldiers of Halla, which consists entirely of one journal written by Bobby.) Each world is called a territory, and every territory has a Traveler, filling various roles. Every territory is reaching a turning point, which will radically alter the fate of that world. Kotomi Ichinose from CLANNAD lacks all but the most basic of social skills while being a Teen Genius. Of course, she has a Freudian Excuse because the last thing she told her parents before they died in a plane crash was that she hated them and Tomoya didn’t show up for her birthday party. As a result, she shunned society and studied, and studied, and studied, and studied, and, well, you get the idea..

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