Making matters worse, Linda the Night Star falls from the sky

Making matters worse, Linda the Night Star falls from the sky

14 janvier 2014 Non classé 0

Deadpan Snarker: Peter Steele. More accurately, a Stepford Snarker. Deal with the Devil: « All Hallows Eve » is Cheap about this. God Is Evil: The Gods of Chaos are pretty much Always Chaotic Evil, though one may come up now and then that’s Chaotic Neutral. The Gods Must Be Lazy: The Lords of Order are too weak to intervene in the collapse of the universe itself until the very end of the saga. Gtterdmmerung: Elric’s ultimate destiny is to create a world free of the influence of gods or cosmic powers, resulting in The End of the World as We Know It. While we led to believe that Sam is the geeky one who does more of research and Dean is the one ever ready to pull out his demon killing knife, the reverse is equally true. But what is amply clear is that both of them are dangerous, deadly hunters as demons often learn to their peril. But the interesting part is that though Sam and Dean are fighting the good fight, the lines between good and evil are often blurred, and both brothers have crossed over to the dark side every now and then.

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