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Seven months ago, Arpad Pusztai, 68, was a scientist in a barely-known Scottish Authentic Prada Americas Buy Cup Sneakers research institute working on a branch of plant science called lectins. He happened to be a world authority on lectins – natural poisons produced as defence against predators.
He had been studying the effect of a potato ‘fitted’ with a lectin from a snowdrop. He had introduced the lectin Purchase gene into the potato using a ‘promoter’ based on a cauliflower mosaic virus and then fed the potato to rats to see whether there were any harmful effects.
In August Dr Pusztai told a World In Action television team that the genetically modified potato damaged rat organs and Purchase depressed their immune systems.
There was an immediate furore about dangers from genetically modified foods, but for two or three days, the chiefs Cheap of the Rowett Research Institute at Aberdeen supported him.
Then Dr Pusztai’s world seemed to Authentic Prada Milano Handbags come to an end. His research chief claimed he had mixed up the results of a series of experiments and Dr Pusztai was retired forthwith, and told to say no more. An inquiry set up by the Rowett institute concluded that Dr Pusztai had Cheap Purchase got it wrong: there was no evidence that the transgenic potatoes in question affected the growth, organ development or immune function of the rats that were fed them. People against genetic engineering talked of Dr Pusztai being ‘stifled’. People Black Prada Chain Bag in favour talked of ‘sloppy science and overblown reporting’.
Last week, battle erupted again. Twenty-one scientists from 12 nations declared that they had looked at Dr Pusztai’s original results, found that there was indeed cause for concern and like it Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Sale Uk demanded Dr Pusztai’s rehabilitation. And an Aberdeen pathologist, Stanley Ewen, independently repeated Dr Pusztai’s research and found that lectins from genetically modified potatoes did in fact leave their signature in the stomachs of rats. Researchers began arguing that the cauliflower mosaic virus might act as a fuse, triggering unexpected dangers in the host food.
A GENE is a unit Purchase of information: a code for a characteristic, written as a length of DNA A LECTIN GENE is a set of instructions to a plant to make a poison. Some plant poisons are very toxic, and some are harmful only to one group of predators. THE SNOWDROP LECTIN was thought to be toxic to aphids, but not to mammals. A lectin added to a potato would in theory add to its insect resistance, reduce the need for pesticides and increase yield.
But it is not enough to simply add a gene to a plant’s chromosomes. Genes for human skin exist in every human cell, but they are only ‘switched on’ in the outer layers of the body. So all introduced genes require a PROMOTER. to match the new gene to the task required of it a kind of Don King figure to make the big match happen.
CAULIFLOWER MOSAIC VIRUS: A promoter which genetic engineers often attach to Authentic Prada Handbags Outlet Uk plant genes Authentic Prada Clutch to Cheap Bicester Village Prada Store Number push About Prada Products the message of the gene into production. Without the promoter, the gene would sit, uselessly, in the plant’s DNA: with a promoter, it swings into action. The engineers almost always ‘disable’ or defuse the virus before they use it so that it won’t spread diseases.
The cauliflower mosaic virus is found almost everywhere in the wild, but only a section of it is employed in Are Buy Prada Trainers Made In Vietnam gene transfer.
Even so, five years ago researchers began arguing that an apparently innocent promoter and an apparently beneficial gene could between them become a hazardous combination – either in spreading resistance from crops to weeds, or in triggering unexpected effects in the crop to which they were Buy transferred.